Clinician Portal: Troubleshooting

  • Updated

This article describes how to handle common issues when using Intel® RealSense™ PT Metrics.

The following describes issues that you may notice while using Intel RealSense PT Metrics and suggests how to handle them.

  • You can ask your clinician for help at any time while using Intel RealSense PT Metrics.
  • If the steps below do not fix your problem, ask your clinician for help.
  • If you have a problem that is not listed in the table below, ask your clinician for help.


Problem How to Fix
Forgot your password
  1. Click the “Forgot Password” link on the Intel RealSense PT Metrics login screen. A “Reset Password” screen will be displayed.
  2. Enter your email and click Send code.

    A code will be sent to your email; a new screen will open, where you need to enter the code and provide a new password.

  3. If no mail arrives in your email:
    -Check that the email address you entered at the “Reset Password” screen is correct. If you made an error there, correct the email address and try again. -Check your junk mail folder for the mail with the code. 


After entering the email and password, the sign in failed with “Incorrect username or password” error message.

  1. Ensure you typed your email correctly.
    -Do you have more than one email account? Check that you used the account you use in the clinic.
  2. Use the eye icon () to check that you entered the password correctly. Note that the password is case-sensitive.
  3. If your email and password are correct and you still fail to log in, click the Forgot Password link to get a new password. See more details above (“You forgot your password”).

In the Sessions page, some exercises have no results (“no data found” message)


  1. Activities whose model readiness level is CAPTURE do not collect any data.
  2. Activities whose model readiness is TRACK collect reps and sets data and may or may not collect results.
  3. If the activity’s model readiness is MEASURE or ASSESS and no data is loaded to the Sessions page, contact Intel RealSense PT Metrics customer support to report the issue.

After log in, no patients are seen in the Patient Overview page


  1. Verify that the Search field is empty. If it not, it may be filtering the patients list. Clear the field.
  2. Check with your clinic IT support if they added your patients to the system.
  3. If they did, contact Intel RealSense PT Metrics customer support.
  4. If no patients were added for you in advance, use the Add Patient button on the Patient Overview page to add your patients.
  5. Once added, the patients’ names are displayed in the Patient Overview page. If this does not happen, contact Intel RealSense PT Metrics customer support.

Clicking “Save and Assign” in the Treatment Plan page fails


A treatment plan cannot be saved if it is missing mandatory data. The items where data is missing or needs to be changed are reported to the screen when you try to Save and Assign an incomplete plan. Add the missing information and try again.

Save a treatment plan as a template fails


A treatment plan cannot be saved if it is missing mandatory data. The items where data is missing or needs to be changed are reported to the screen when you try to save the treatment plan as a template. Add the missing information and try again.

Adding a patient fails

Verify you added all the mandatory details to the “Add Patient” form. Mandatory fields are marked with a red star to the left of the field name.
Edit patient's details fails Verify you did not clear any mandatory field in the form. Mandatory fields are marked with a red star to the left of the field name.

Basic Troubleshooting Actions:

The following are actions to perform as the first step when resolving some of the issues listed below. In order not to repeat these steps for each troubleshooting scenario, they are detailed here once and referenced as “Basic Troubleshooting actions.”

  1. Verify that the internet connection is working. For example, by opening a browser and surfing to a known web page (e.g. If there is no connection:

    If you do not know how to perform the actions below yourself, contact your clinic IT person for help.
    - If you use Wi-Fi and know how to configure the connection, verify that your computer is connected to the Wi-Fi network. Once connected, try again. 
    - If you are using a wired connection, verify that the connection wire is plugged in to your computer. Once connected, try again. 

    If the persists, contact your clinic IT person for help.
  2. If there is an internet connection, try the following options. After each option, try again to perform the action you are trying to resolve.

    a. If you are not using the Chrome browser, try using the Chrome browser.

    b. Close all the browsers, open one, and try again.

    c. Wait a few minutes and try again.

    d. Reboot your computer and try again.

    If the issue persists, contact your clinic IT person for help.

When attempting to use the clinician portal, the browser shows “The site can’t be reached” or a similar message (message depends on the browser used)

A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated

Basic Troubleshooting Actions

When attempting to access the details of a patient by selecting the patient’s name from the Patient List page, the following message appears: “We have problem with Patient <patient name>details, please try again later or contact Customer Service"


Perform Basic Troubleshooting Actions

The exercise video of a patient fails to play back, or the system shows “no video found” in a session you know created videos.

It is likely that the internet connection is down.

Perform Basic Troubleshooting Actions

The Clinician Portal does not respond to interactions.


It is likely that the internet connection is down.

Perform Basic Troubleshooting Actions

The Clinician Portal shows the following error message:

“Oops something went wrong – please contact customers service”

It is likely that the Intel RealSense PT Metrics server is undergoing an update. This should not take long. Wait a few minutes and try again.

If the problem persists, perform Basic Troubleshooting Actions

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