Dashboard & Patient Profile

  • Updated


Finding Patients

The Patients option displays a list of all current and past patients who are or were treated in the clinic. This list shows every patient registered in Intel® RealSense™ PT Metrics who has been assigned to a clinician.

Your current patients will be added to the Patient Overview list on your behalf. For new patients, you will have the ability to add them yourself through the Patient Overview list.

By default, active patients (patients who are currently receiving treatment in the clinic) appear at the top of the list.


To display a list of patients:

  • Click the Patients option. The Patient Overview list is displayed.


Patient Overview List Columns

The following describes the columns in the Patient Overview list:

  • Patient Name – The first name and surname of the patient as defined when the patient was added to the Intel Realsense PT Metrics system.
  • EMR Patient ID – The unique identifier of this patient as was set automatically by Intel RealSense PT Metrics. Note: In the current version, this column is expected to be empty.
  • DOB – The patient’s Date of Birth (optional).
  • Email – The email address of this patient.
  • Clinicians – The name of the clinician(s) that has been assigned to this patient.
  • Registration Date – The date this patient was first entered into the Intel RealSense PT Metrics system.
  • Details – Show the details of the patient (name, email, etc. – including the patient’s privacy consent and HIPAA Authorization approval status).
  • Edit Patient (pencil icon) – Allows updating some of the patient’s details.

To search for a patient:

Type in the patient’s name or any part of it in the Search field at the top of the page to find the relevant patient.


Adding a Patient

Upon the initial setup of Intel RealSense PT Metrics in your clinic, existing patients will be entered into the system for you. Afterwards, you must add new patients as they are admitted to the clinic using the Patient Overview page.

To add a new patient to Intel RealSense PT Metrics:

  1. Click the Add Patient button in the top right corner. The Add Patient form is displayed.

  1. Fill in the patient’s details (Name, Email, Address, and Height). The Date of Birth is optional.
  2. Click Save to add the patient to the Patient Overview list or click Cancel to abort the operation.


Updating a Patient's Information

You can update some of the patient’s details by clicking the pencil icon in the Patient Overview screen to the right of the patient’s entry.

To edit a patient’s information:

  1. Click the pencil icon. The Edit Patient form is displayed.

  1. Update fields as needed. Note that some fields cannot be updated.
  2. Click Save to save the changes or click Cancel to discard the changes.


Displaying a Patient’s Details

The Patient Details page provides access to the patient’s treatment plans, objectives, and sessions.

To display the details of a patient:

  1. Display the Patient Overview List.
  2. Click on the patient’s name in the Patient Name field.

Patient Details Sections

A blue light bulb with a black background

Description automatically generatedIf a patient has not yet been assigned a treatment plan or has not yet completed any treatment plan sessions, the Objective and Sessions pages will be empty. The clinician can assign a treatment plan for a new patient in the Treatment Plans tab.

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