Displaying a Patient's Objective Page
To display the Objective page:
- Click the Patients option in the top navigation bar and select the relevant patient.
- Select the Objective option. The following is displayed:
Reviewing the Objective Page
A patient’s Objective page is empty until the patient has completed at least one session of any treatment plan in the Intel® RealSense™ PT Metrics system.
A chart appears across the page for each activity performed by a patient, such as the ROM: Right Knee Flexion chart, as shown below:
The X-axis represents the date, and the Y-axis denotes a specific metric of the activity, such as the flexion angle of the patient's right knee.
Hover Tooltip
Hovering over a data point on the chart displays the date and time the activity was performed, the value measured, and the error margin for the displayed measurement value. As shown below -
Goal Indicator
The Goal Indicator shows a comparison of the last measured value of the metric relative to the goal set by the clinician for this patient, this metric, and this activity.
The goal’s units depend on its type, such as:
- Angle goal (e.g., leg extension angle, ankle angle in degrees)
- Distance goal (e.g., step size in centimeters)
- Speed (e.g., walking speed in meter/second)
- Time (e.g., duration of holding a plank pose in seconds)
Another type of goal may be a repetition goal, which may be prescribed to be achieved within a given time (e.g., 10 repetitions in 40 seconds).
In the goal indicator:
- The smaller number (next to the word Goal) represents the goal set by the clinician. This number does not change unless the clinician changes it.
- The larger number is the current metric measured and calculated by Intel RealSense PT Metrics during the most recent session.
- A green arrow indicates improvement, while a red arrow denotes decline.
Displayed Time Range
By default, the charts in the Objective page show results of the most recent month (One Month). To change the length of time shown in the charts, select an option from the dropdown menu in the top left corner. As shown below-
Filter Bar
The filter bar at the top left of the page enables you to select which activities are displayed:
- All Metrics – All the activities for which metrics have been captured by Intel RealSense PT Metrics are displayed. This is the default value.
- Goals Only – Only activities for which goals have been set by a clinician are displayed.
- Assessments Only – Only activities whose Category field was set to Assessment are displayed.
Rearranging Activities on the Page
To reorder the activity charts, drag the icon on the left of each chart. Charts can be dragged up or down.
Collapsing and Expanding Charts
Each activity chart can be collapsed by clicking the collapse button or expanded by clicking the
expand button. As shown below-
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