Sessions: Metric Analysis Chart and Video

  • Updated

A session is a series of activities a patient goes through according to the treatment plan assigned to them by a clinician. While the patient performs the activities of a session, Intel® RealSense™ PT Metrics monitors various aspects of their performance, such as whether the patient is assuming the correct position, performing the requested number of repetitions, and achieving the extension and angle goals specified in the treatment plan. Intel RealSense PT Metrics will also detect whether certain activities were skipped or only performed partially.

The Session page provides an overview of each activity session of a patient’s treatment plan. This page offers insights into the patient's performance, including the number of sets completed, the total repetitions, and the comparison between the targeted goals (as set by the clinician) and the patient's actual achievements. This allows for an evaluation of the patient's adherence to the prescribed regimen and their progress over time.


Displaying a Patient’s Sessions Page

To display a patient’s sessions:

  1. Click the Patients Overview option in the top navigation bar and select the relevant patient.
  2. Select the Sessions option. The following is displayed:

Note – There may be more than one session a day. These will show one below the other on the Sessions screen, collapsed, and with the option to be expanded.

The name (“Session x”) is automated. (1, 2, …) for every day. This happens if the patient does not execute the treatment plan at once, but instead aborts it before completing and then returns to it.  


Reviewing the Session Page

The patient’s session information can be reviewed within a few minutes of the patient performing the session and any time afterward.


Session Options

The following describes the options that appear on this page:

  • Date Pane: This left vertical pane shows a row for each day on which this patient performed an activity of a treatment plan. The most recent date appears at the top.
  • Date and Treatment Plan:

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The top left corner indicates the selected date and the name of the treatment plan for the activities displayed in the center of the page.

  • Overview Summary: This area provides a summary of all the activities performed in the sessions on the day selected in the left date pane.

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  • Total Duration - The total time, in minutes, that the session execution took.  

  • Compliance - Specifies the percentage of activities that the patient completed per day out of those that were assigned to them by the clinician’s treatment plan. Compliance of less than 100 percent is marked in red. 


Session Activities

The top left of this area shows the name of the session, which is the same as the name given to the treatment plan by the clinician, as well as the date for the displayed results. Also shown are the compliance results for the whole day and the total duration of activities in the selected day.

The first item in the Sessions display is a table with Top Insights. This is a concise summary of the results, which helps the clinician quickly identify improvements and declines relative to previous results of the same metric for the same activity.


Note – If the Top Insights table is not displayed, it means that there was no Minimum Clinical Important Difference (MCID) between the current and previous results for any of the metrics. 


Below the Top Insights, are the detailed results for each activity. If activities were not done in one session, they appear as multiple sessions (for example, when the patient stopped for a while, was automatically logged out or consciously aborted the execution, and later returned to execute the activities not done yet or skipped).

Each session is numbered (starting with 1st Session and continuing with 2nd, etc.). Sessions appear with the latest session at the top.


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A row appears for each activity performed during the session.

Each activity row is comprised of its name and the metrics that are measured during this activity. 

  • Position - The body position and posture in which the patient performed the activity, such as Standing Up Sagittal, and Laying Down Frontal. 

  • Metric Values - The value of the metric is color-coded to indicate (as shown in the legend in the top right corner)

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  • Green – The patient met the goal set by the clinician for this metric in this activity. 

  • Red – The patient did not meet the goal set by the clinician for this metric in this activity. 

  • Black – No goal was set by the clinician for this metric in this activity. 

  • Completion Percentage - The compliance score for the individual activity. 


  1. Click the button to expand the display to show the following information – 

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  • Metric Analysis Chart and Video- A chart and video representing the activity performed by the patient. The chart represents the value of the metric calculated for each video frame. The chart and the video are synchronized, so you can see the metric value together with the video frame from which the metric value was extracted.  

  • Goal/ Actual- A table of the actual and goal values for this activity is displayed on the left. The table contains a row for each goal parameter in the activity. For example, sets, reps, hold seconds, and so on. The values of the Actual column appear red if the patient did not meet the goal specified in the treatment plan and green if they do. 

  • Partially Completed Skipped Reason- If a patient skips an activity (either before starting or during execution), the patient can enter the reason they are skipping the activity in the Intel RealSense PT Metrics Patient Application. This field displays the reason they skipped it and any comments that were entered by the patient upon skipping.  

Note – If an activity was skipped due to a technical reason (such as bad connectivity), the skip reason shown may have been automatically added by the Intel RealSense PT Metrics system. 

  • Equipment- The various types of equipment that the clinician defined in the treatment plan to be used during this activity.  

Note – This does not guarantee the patient used the equipment during the exercise, which can be validated by watching the video recording of the patient. 


Metric Analysis Chart and Video


On the right side of this page, clinicians can view a video of the patient executing the prescribed activity. The video can be enlarged by clicking theA black background with a black square

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A person standing in a room with her arms raised

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The left side presents the corresponding quantitative measurements of the activity performed. The X-axis represents time, and the Y-axis denotes a specific metric of the activity, such as the extension angle of the patient's right knee, as illustrated in the example provided. 


Synchronizing the Video and the Chart

As the video is played, a vertical cursor line synchronously advances along the graph's timeline. 

This interactive feature allows clinicians to pause and resume the video, zoom in on the graph, and reposition the vertical cursor line. This cursor aligns seamlessly with the corresponding point on the graph and the video, indicating the precise measurement at that specific moment.

Moving the video play to a certain part of the activity moves the vertical cursor line to the relevant position in the metric chart.



Selecting a Metric

ShapeIf multiple metrics apply to this activity, then each can be displayed in the chart by selecting it in the View field, as shown below –



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