Patient App: Troubleshooting Guide

  • Updated

This article describes how to handle common issues when using Intel® RealSense™ PT Metrics.

The following describes issues that you may notice while using Intel RealSense PT Metrics and suggests how to handle them.

  • You can ask your clinician for help at any time while using Intel Intel RealSense PT Metrics.
  • If the steps below do not fix your problem, ask your clinician for help.
  • If you have a problem that is not listed in the table below, ask your clinician for help.


Problem How to Fix
The tablet is not responding The system may be turned off, or the battery may be depleted. Contact your clinician for help.

A Server is not available error message appears

server isnt available.png

Contact your clinician for help.

A No internet connection error message appears

no internet connection.png

Click the Refresh button a few times. If the problem continues, contact your clinician for help.

A Session stopped error message appears

session stopped.png

This message typically indicates an internet connection failure. Contact your clinician for help.

An Oops! Something went wrong error message appears

something went wrong.png

Click the Refresh button a few times. If the problem continues, contact your clinician for help.

A Session was stopped due to connectivity error message appears

session was stopped.png

Ask your clinician to reboot the camera and tablet. Then, re-execute the activity by clicking "Go back to incomplete exercises" on the Home screen.

One of the following error messages appear -

  • Session was stopped due to server error
  • Connection with camera was lost
  • Camera stopped streaming
Ask your clinician to reboot the camera and tablet. Then, re-execute the activity by clicking "Go back to incomplete exercises" on the Home screen.
A Failed to load video message appears This typically indicates an internet connection failure. Contact your clinician for help.
You forgot your password 1. Click the Forgot Password link on the Intel RealSense PT Metrics login screen. A Reset Password screen will appear.
2. Enter the email address you gave to your clinic.
3. A password reset code will be sent to your email.
4. Enter the password reset code.
5. Set a new, permanent password.
6. If no email arrives, click “Send again.”
7. If no email arrives, check that you entered the correct email address on the Reset Password screen. If incorrect, fix the email and try again.

After entering the email and password, the sign-in failed and showed an Invalid user or password error message.

invalid user or password.png

  1. Make sure you type your email correctly.
  2. Do you have more than one email account? Check that you used the account you gave the clinic.
  3. Use the eye eye icon.png icon to check that you entered the password correctly. The password is case-sensitive, so capital and small letters must be entered correctly.
  4. If your email and password are correct and you still can't log in, click the Forgot Password link to get a new password. See more details above under You forgot your password.

After you used the QR code to sign-in, the sign-in failed and showed the Invalid user or password error message.


This typically happens when you use an expired QR code. Ask your clinician to generate a new QR code. If the problem persists, ask your clinician for help.

After entering the email and password, the sign-in failed and showed the Please submit a valid email address error message.

The email you entered is not valid (it has an incorrect format).

Reenter your correct email address and try to sign in again.

invalid conformation code.png

  • Check if you keyed in the exact code you received by email. Enter the code again, correctly
  • If you received a number of mails with reset code, use the code in the last mail
  • Wait 2 minutes and check your email again to see if a new message with a new code appears. Use that code.
  • Click “Send again” and try the new code

Intel RealSense PT Metrics shows a "Camera is disconnected" message at the bottom of the screen.

camera disconnected.png

Do not try to fix the issue yourself. Ask your clinician for help.
Your Home screen shows that no activities have been assigned to you for today.
  1. If you have already completed all the tasks assigned to you today, it is normal for the PT system to show that no more tasks are assigned to you for today.
  2. If you did not do any tasks today, ask your clinician to update your daily task list.
  3. After your clinician tells you that a task list was assigned to you, click the Refresh  icon to load the details of today's session.
After starting a task, no real-time video of yourself is shown on the tablet screen. Ask your clinician for help.
You can't get past the pre-check stage even though you positioned yourself correctly. Ask your clinician for help.
You started the task list but didn't hear any audio instructions from the tablet.
  1. From the Home screen, click the menu burger menu.png icon at the top left.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Make sure the Enable audio prompts option is set to ON toggle button.png.
  4. Use the tablet's volume button to turn the volume up. The buttons are on the top of the tablet.
    tablet volume.png
  5. If you still do not hear audio messages from the tablet, ask your clinician for help.
You started the task list but didn't hear any audio messages from the camera like “Streaming started” when you began the task list.
  1. From the Home screen, click the menu burger menu.png icon at the top left.
  2. Select Settings and scroll down to the Camera settings.
  3. Increase the volume to 100% and click Test volume. You should hear a few musical notes from the camera.
  4. If you still do not hear the audio from the camera, ask your clinician for help.
  5. If you do hear the audio, use the volume slider to set the volume to the level you prefer.
After starting an activity, the application does not tell you how to position yourself relative to the camera. It just shows a countdown for starting. Not all activities in Intel RealSense PT Metrics show how to position yourself (pre-checks).
  1. After the countdown finishes, you can start these activities in front of the camera.
  2. Ask your clinician if you need more explanations.
After starting an activity, the application does not show a repetition count. Not all activities in Intel RealSense PT Metrics show a repetition count.
  1. For these activities, you should count the repetitions yourself and select Finish Activity after you have completed the number of repetitions shown on the screen.
  2. Ask your clinician if you need more explanations.
After completing an activity or the entire task list and checking the results, some activities do not have any results. Not all activities in Intel RealSense PT Metrics show results. These activities also do not show a pre-check (positioning step) and/or a repetition count. Ask your clinician if you need more explanations.
The live video feedback on the tablet is flipped incorrectly so that it's not showing a mirror image.
  1. From the Home screen, click the menu burger menu.png icon at the top left.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. In the Application settings, set Mirror my video to ON  toggle button.png
The camera is off or won't turn on.
  1. Press the On/Off button at the top of the camera for about 1 second. Hold it until a red LED light turns on.
  2. Wait up to 2 minutes to hear a musical note before using the Intel RealSense PT Metrics system.
  3. If the camera does not turn on, ask your clinician for help.
The tablet is off or does not turn on.
  1. Slide and tap on the tablet screen a few times to turn on the tablet's screen. If this doesn't work, the tablet may be turned off.
  2. Press and hold the On/Off button at the top-left side of the tablet for about three seconds, then release it.
    on off button.png
  3. The tablet's screen shows Samsung.
  4. Wait until the tablet shows the Intel RealSense PT Metrics screen.
  5. If the tablet does not turn on, ask your clinician for help.
The system does not react when I make a gesture.
  1. Make sure you are doing the gesture correctly. Check the instructions to see how to do the gesture movement. Make sure you are doing the gesture while facing the camera.
  2. Gestures are only recognized at specific points in the task list. These points are recognized by a gesture animation shown at the bottom-right of the tablet screen.
  3. If the system still does not recognize your gestures, ask your clinician for help.
Clicking the Continue button has no effect. Ask your clinician for help.
The application shows a Poor poor.png icon. The poor icon means that the tablet's internet connection is not very good. You can usually still use the app, but movements and repetition counts may take longer to show on the screen. With a very poor connection, the video on the tablet may be jerky, and the delay can be significant. Stop using Intel RealSense PT Metrics if this happens and tell your clinician about it.
Significant delay between performing a movement and the update of the repetition count. This is usually due to a very poor internet connection. Ask your clinician for help.
Bad video quality on the tablet's screen (pixels, jumps, or significant delay relative to the movement). This is usually due to a very poor internet connection. Ask your clinician for help.
The real-time video of yourself is frozen. The camera may have stopped working. Ask your clinician for help.
The camera LED ring is all red. Something is wrong with the camera. Ask your clinician for help.
The tablet does not respond to any interaction.
  1. Restart the tablet: Press shortly (not more than 1 second) the On/Off button and the Volume-Down button until the screen shows the Power off / Restart options.
    power off tablet.png
  2. Select Restart (you will need to select it twice). Wait for the tablet to boot and for the Intel RealSense PT Metrics screen to appear.
  3. Sign in to your account.
  4. Continue using Intel RealSense PT Metrics.
  5. If the tablet is still not responsive, ask your clinician for help.

The tablet pops up a low battery warning.

tablet buttary low 2.pngtablet buttary low.png

(the percent value may change from 3% to something else on the tablet you use)

Inform your clinician about the warning. Note that as long as the tablet is on and operating (even with low battery warning), you can still use the system.

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